Continuous Laser Cleaning Machine VS Pulse Laser Cleaning Machine
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Continuous Laser Cleaning Machine VS Pulse Laser Cleaning Machine

Views: 19     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-03-18      Origin: Site

Continuous Laser Cleaning Machine VS Pulse Laser Cleaning Machine

The main differences between continuous laser cleaning machines and pulse laser cleaning machines are mainly reflected in two aspects:

1. Cleaning principle

-Continuous laser cleaning machine: Continuous laser cleaning machine cleans through continuous output of laser beam. The output of continuous laser has stable power and continuous energy output. The laser beam continuously shines on the target surface to evaporate or ablate dirt through thermal effects.

-Pulse laser cleaning machine: Pulse laser cleaning machine outputs laser beam in the form of pulses. The output of pulse laser has high peak power and short pulse width. Each pulse has high energy and high instantaneous power. Pulse laser cleaning uses high-energy laser pulses to instantaneously irradiate, producing a laser striking effect that peels off or breaks dirt.

2. Application scenarios and cleaning effects:

- Continuous laser cleaning machine: suitable for cleaning light dirt attached to the surface, such as paint, grease, dust, etc., and suitable for cleaning large areas of flat surfaces. For example, cleaning building exterior walls, large machinery and equipment, and industrial pipelines. Its cleaning effect is relatively gentle and will not excessively damage the surface of the object.

- Pulse laser cleaning machine: suitable for treating dirt that is difficult to clean, such as oxide layers, coatings, welding slag, etc. It is more suitable for cleaning tasks with fine parts or high surface quality requirements. For example, cleaning semiconductor chips, ceramic materials and metal parts.


Laser Head 





         To sum up, the pulse laser cleaning machine can achieve zero damage to the substrate after cleaning the dirt, and is suitable for cleaning products with high requirements on the substrate surface; while the continuous laser cleaning machine almost always damages the substrate and is suitable for large-scale products. Area cleaning, such as steel plate rust removal, paint removal, shipyard rust removal, etc. Therefore, there are fundamental differences between the two in application scenarios. For applications with high precision, strict control over substrate temperature rise, and non-destructive substrate requirements, such as molds, pulse lasers should be chosen. For some large steel structures, pipelines, etc., due to their large size and fast heat dissipation, which do not require high damage to the base material, continuous lasers can be selected.

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